Are you struggling? Unsure of what is happening to you? If you're like most women, you've never heard of perimenopause and your idea of menopause is of hot flushes, night sweats and the end of your menstrual cycle but..... you're now realizing that that is just the tip of the ice-berg! Maybe you're thinking there's something seriously wrong with you. You're not alone! Let me reassure you.....

The Ultimate Perimenopause and Menopause Breakthrough Program is a one of a kind program designed with up to date and Relevant Information covering all aspects of the menopause journey alongside Cutting Edge Neuro-Science to transform your menopause experience in just 21 days. This program is perfect for you if....

  • Are unsure if you're going through menopause

  • Experiencing symptoms but not sure if they're related to menopause or other health issues

  • Have health anxiety due unexplained symptoms

  • Struggling with mood swings and negative emotions due to hormonal imbalance

  • At a loss of what to do to aleviate your symptoms

  • Seeks to be well informed so as to advocate for the best support from your doctor

  • Want to understand the various types of hormone replacement therapy

  • Cannot take HRT and want to explore alternatives

  • Interested in natural ways to manage menopause symptoms

If any of these resonates with you, then this program is tailored specifically for you. It is time to take action, empower yourself with knowledge, and embark on a journey towards reclaiming you, your vitality and well-being. Don't wait any longer – get the program now and transform your life for just $99!

Who Is This Program For?

Busy Proffessional Woman

Are you a busy professional woman who is tired of the emotional rollercoaster that's been affecting your performance at work and home? This program is tailor-made for you. Say goodbye to the ups and downs and regain control of your emotions, allowing you to excel in all areas of your life.

Woman With Unexplained Symptoms

If you're struggling with unexplained symptoms and have visited the doctor multiple times, only to be told that nothing is wrong, you're not alone. This program understands your frustration and provides the answers you've been seeking. Gain a deeper understanding of your symptoms and confirm you are going through menopause, finally going to your DR confident with the knowledge to direct your treatment

Woman Seeking Alternative to HRT

Whether for health reasons or personal preference, if you cannot or choose not to take Hormone Replacement Therapy, this program is here for you. We respect your decision and offer a wealth of information on other effective options. Learn about lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and innovative approaches that can help you manage your menopause symptoms while staying true to your unique circumstances and needs.

Imagine The Incredible Transformation Awaiting You!!!!!

At The End Of This Program, You Will:

  • Take charge of your emotional well-being as you learn strategies to manage or even eliminate negative emotions, restoring balance and harmony in your life.
  • Gain the clarity you've been seeking as you confirm that you are indeed going through menopause.
  • Identifying your specific phase within perimenopause and menopause, unlocking a deeper understanding of your body.
  • Discover uncommon symptoms and menopause, empowering you with knowledge you may have never considered before.
  • Possess a comprehensive symptom checker that helps you speak confidently to your doctor, facilitating accurate diagnosis and effective management.
  • Feel in control and more like yourself as you navigate this transformative journey.
  • Feel confident in managing your menopause, equipped with the tools and insights gained throughout the program.
  • Make informed decisions about your menopause transition to choose the best path for your menopause management.
  • Positively change your menopause transition.

Bonus 1:


Sleep plays an important role in our emotional and physical wellbeing. Perimenopause and menopause symptoms can do a number on sleep. Use this deep sleep hypnosis audio to drift effortlessly to sleep and stay asleep so that you wake up refreshed and reinvigorated.

Bonus 2:


Happiness is the best medicine! Use this short meditation to connect to the joy inside of you whenever you need a "pick-me-up" during your day and spend the rest of your day with a glowing smile inside your heart.

Bonus 3:


Gain access to a solution focused exclusive private Facebook group where you can find answers to all your important questions, gain insights and form connections with other women from around the world navigating and thriving through menopause

Total Worth: $1200+

Just For Today

The Ultimate Perimenopause & Menopause Breakthrough Program Is Only


What our clients are saying:

Cassandra Avant-Williams

I started menopause and didn’t know what was happening to me. I struggled so bad that at times I thought I was literally dying. I was constantly in and out of the drs. Offices trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I worked with Trish and found out that I was suffering from symptoms of menopause. She changed my menoopause experience for the better

Kira Parisi

Herrieta is an amazing spiritual guide who lives what she teaches. She radiates all that is good in this universe! The tools I have learned are so valuable and will continue to assist me in creating the life of abundance I desire

Michelle Mellamphy

Trish was amazing, she just got me from our first contact. She is very easy to open up to and I liked the fact that she was willing to share her own life experiences, made me feel at ease. The program itself in my own words, is quite "magical"!

Kathleen Johnson-Boyles

A single visit, and the lifelong knot in my stomach is gone. I am simply not the same person I was before going. The English language fails to describe my sense of relief, joy, and gratitude for the gift that is Herrieta and Seattle Rapid Transformation Therapy.

Suza Pytlas

Trish, changed my menopause journey from struggling to a really easy experience. Her support, knowledge and passion on the subject made me very comfortable and happy to discuss all which led to the best remedy for me. I highly recommend her.

Me Chang

I have experienced one of the most significant breakthroughs working with Seattle Rapid Transformation that has greatly improved my quality of life in my personal life (marriage and family life), my work life (as a small business owner), but most importantly, my relationship to myself. If stress, negative thoughts, or your past is holding you back from your full potential in your personal life and career, then I highly recommend working with Herrieta

Meet the Team

Trish Rimmer

Trish Rimmer is a certified menopause specialist, cognitive behavioral therapist, and mindfulness practitioner. Her passion is empowering women to thrive through menopause and beyond. With her expertise, Trish helps women navigate physical, emotional, and psychological changes, fostering a positive and proactive mindset. Her impact on women's health and well-being is immeasurable.

Herrieta Obriko

Herrieta Obriko is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist. She has spent the last 7yrs helping individuals harness the power of their subconscious mind with the powerful RTT method to gain fast and lasting relief and freedom from childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, and mental health issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the program last?

In one sitting from end to end the program is 2 hours long. However, the subconscious reprogramming section is meant to be used over 21 days for effective result.

Is this program for women going through perimenopause or menopause?

The program covers the whole transitional phase from perimenopause to menopause. So whether you're just starting perimenopause, in the middle of it or in full menopause, this program has you covered.

How long do I have access to the program?

You have access to the program from the day of purchase for 3 months, giving you enough time to absorb the knowledge and transform your menopause experience.

What do I do if I have an issue accessing the programme or support materials.

We offer support service via the email address you'll recieve once you purchase the program to help resolve any issues within 24hrs.

What makes this program different?

This program is unique in that it not only provides you with evidence based knowledge about perimenopause and menopause, it actually goes further in addressing an aspect of menopause which is rarely spoken of or addressed by other mainstream menopause organizations which is the mental and emotional challenges of menopause and helps you better resolve or manage these psychological issues.

How do I get the best out of the program?

Listen to the program, take note of the areas that matches your individual experience, use the booklet provided. Implement the advice that applies to you and make sure that you listen to the subconscious section consecutively for 21 days.

Don't Miss Out On Today's Massive Savings, Get The Program For

Just $99!

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